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Things to Consider for Writing an Impressive Essay

Writing an essay for submission may often become daunting if you are not aware of the tactics, or haven’t written one before. Addressing the topic assigned, organizing it well, and finally concluding it with a summarized concluding paragraph requires a great deal of planning, knowledge and strategic approach to make it work. 

Let’s have a look at what the approach should be, and the do’s and don'ts of essay writing



Do Spare Time: It’s always better to start early, ideally two weeks early, but ten days would also work. Try to start as early as possible to plan your writing phases beforehand, rather than writing and concluding the essay in a hurry.

Do Be Illustrative: Try to be more comprehensive and descriptive. This can be done by using active verbs and dynamic nouns. “The red car halted directly in front of me,” is nothing in comparison with, “The car squealed to a halt inches from my face”.

Do Take Breaks: Writing happens in fits and starts. If you think you are comfortable writing continuously, better you continue. If you’re held up with a nasty case of writer’s block, the best remedy is a brief break, nap, some exercise, your favourite movie, or anything else that unwinds you for a while.

Do Let Someone Review your Piece: Get someone i.e., a close friend, teacher, counselor, or professional, to go through your essay. This will give you valuable insight, as you may overlook problem areas that may require a new perspective to detect.



Don’t Exceed the Word Limit: Consider this as one of the standing rules. No reason can ever bypass the set rules of essay submission, and doing so will be reflected in poor scores.

Don’t Overuse Idioms: Too much use of clichés or idioms can spoil the very tempo and essence of the essay by halting the flow of piece. Keep it simple, easy flowing and easily understandable, without any need to constantly refer to a dictionary.

Don’t Blindly Rely on Spell Check: Automatic and inbuilt tools in programs like Microsoft Word are helpful, but they cannot be infallible. Better you proof it yourself in addition to running it through spell check. Double checking is always suggested for the finest product!

Don’t Completely Stress Out: Yes, this is vital. It takes a lot of work, but the world doesn’t end with your writing. You quite likely have many reasons to rejoice and be happy! Find the time to wind down and enjoy the things that are important in your life. This will also be reflected in your write ups.

Crafting a unique and commendable essay is not as difficult as it appears to be, but there are a few do’s and don’ts that need to be considered to make it impressive and informative. Proofreading is an imperative part of any written work and essay writing is no exception. Don’t forget to get it proofread professionally once you’re through!